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In “Voyeur,” we learn all there is to know about Gerald Foos except for the central perverse mystery of why he did what he did. The filmmakers, Myles Kane and Josh Koury, are too enthralled with the pun of their title: The film is about a compulsive voyeur - but Gay Talese, the man reporting on the voyeur, is a voyeur too! How awesome is that?Īctually, it’s a rather facile metaphor, since so many reporters, and certainly the great ones, have a cultivated tinge of the voyeur about them. “Voyeur” presents itself as a study of obsession, but the quality of obsession is what’s missing from the movie. But perhaps Spielberg and company should have pressed on. The project fell through as soon as they learned that this documentary was being made. After Talese’s article appeared, the rights to it were snapped up by Steven Spielberg, who planned to produce a dramatic feature based on it, with Sam Mendes directing.

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